Results for 'Mark A. Clark'

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  1.  26
    Learning Ethics on a Pedagogical Playground: A Book Review of The Brewsters.Mark A. Clark - 2015 - Journal of Medical Humanities 36 (1):85-88.
  2.  60
    What if you went to the police and accused your uncle of abuse? Misunderstandings concerning the benefits of memory distortion: A commentary on Fernández.Henry Otgaar, Mark L. Howe, Andrew Clark, Jianqin Wang & Harald Merckelbach - 2015 - Consciousness and Cognition 33:286-290.
  3.  47
    Good governance, bad governance: a refinement and application of key governance concepts.Scott L. Mitchell, Mark D. Packard & Brent B. Clark - 2023 - International Journal of Business Governance and Ethics 17 (4):471-494.
    Understanding what makes governance 'good' or 'bad' has been impeded by construct ambiguity. Contemporary governance research has struggled to define 'governance' and related constructs such as 'ownership', 'agency', and 'management' in a way that clearly separates and distinguishes them. Often, the line between governance and management is so blurred that it is impossible to say what is good or bad 'governance' versus 'management'. Here we provide a systematic classification of key governance concepts in terms of their distinct economic functions. 'Governance', (...)
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    “I am in favour of organ donation, but I feel you should opt-in”—qualitative analysis of the #options 2020 survey free-text responses from NHS staff toward opt-out organ donation legislation in England.Natalie L. Clark, Dorothy Coe, Natasha Newell, Mark N. A. Jones, Matthew Robb, David Reaich & Caroline Wroe - 2024 - BMC Medical Ethics 25 (1):1-10.
    Background In May 2020, England moved to an opt-out organ donation system, meaning adults are presumed to be an organ donor unless within an excluded group or have opted-out. This change aims to improve organ donation rates following brain or circulatory death. Healthcare staff in the UK are supportive of organ donation, however, both healthcare staff and the public have raised concerns and ethical issues regarding the change. The #options survey was completed by NHS organisations with the aim of understanding (...)
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    Intermodal effects in choice reaction time.Ira H. Bernstein, Mark H. Clark & Barry A. Edelstein - 1969 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 81 (2):405.
  6.  28
    Some Foundational Factors for Promoting Human Flourishing.Charles M. A. Clark, Alexander Buoye, Timothy Keiningham, Jay Kandampully, Mark Rosenbaum & Anuar Juraidini - 2019 - Humanistic Management Journal 4 (2):219-233.
    This investigation examines several key factors believed to promote human flourishing, specifically: Factor 1: Age, Education, & Healthcare, Factor 2: Labor Force Participation, Factor 3: Crime, Factor 4: Income, Factor 5: Youth Unemployment and Factor 6: Voting Behavior. Data was examined at the county level, and collected from a variety of US government and non-governmental organizations. Our investigation into the conditions necessary to promote human flourishing uses internal migration within the United States as the indicator of “unhappy” communities. The findings (...)
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    Collaborative Strategic Management: Strategy Formulation and Implementation by Multi—Organizational Cross—Sector Social Partnerships.Amelia Clarke & Mark Fuller - 2010 - Journal of Business Ethics 94 (S1):85-101.
    The focus of this article is on multi-organizational cross-sector social partnerships (CSSP), an increasingly common means of addressing complex social and ecological problems that are too extensive to be solved by any one organization. While there is a growing body of literature on CSSP, there is little focus on collaborative strategic management, especially where implementation and outcomes are concerned. This study addresses these gaps by offering a conceptual model of collaborative strategic management, which is then tested through the use of (...)
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  8. Happily entangled: prediction, emotion, and the embodied mind.Mark Miller & Andy Clark - 2018 - Synthese 195 (6):2559-2575.
    Recent work in cognitive and computational neuroscience depicts the human cortex as a multi-level prediction engine. This ‘predictive processing’ framework shows great promise as a means of both understanding and integrating the core information processing strategies underlying perception, reasoning, and action. But how, if at all, do emotions and sub-cortical contributions fit into this emerging picture? The fit, we shall argue, is both profound and potentially transformative. In the picture we develop, online cognitive function cannot be assigned to either the (...)
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  9.  10
    Mirrors of Justice: Law and Power in the Post-Cold War Era.Kamari Maxine Clarke & Mark Goodale (eds.) - 2009 - Cambridge University Press.
    Mirrors of Justice is a groundbreaking study of the meanings of and possibilities for justice in the contemporary world. The book brings together a group of both prominent and emerging scholars to reconsider the relationships between justice, international law, culture, power, and history through case studies of a wide range of justice processes. The book's eighteen authors examine the ambiguities of justice in Europe, Africa, Latin America, Asia, the Middle East, and Melanesia through critical empirical and historical chapters. The introduction (...)
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    (1 other version)Narrative Ethics: A Narrative.Howard Brody & Mark Clark - 2014 - Hastings Center Report 44 (s1):7-11.
    Once upon a time, medicine dismissed narrative as unimportant and uninteresting. Then, in the late 1980s, physicians and scholars became interested in how the study of narrative could enhance our understanding of illness and health care, and the field that came to be known as “narrative medicine” developed. Some of this scholarly activity focused on the idea of narrative ethics.After a flurry of activity around the turn of the twenty‐first century, narrative ethics seemed to stall. The general interest in narrative (...)
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    Clinical Governance, Performance Appraisal and Interactional and Procedural Fairness at a New Zealand Public Hospital.Carol Clarke, Mark Harcourt & Matthew Flynn - 2013 - Journal of Business Ethics 117 (3):667-678.
    This paper explores the conduct of performance appraisals of nurses in a New Zealand hospital, and how fairness is perceived in such appraisals. In the health sector, performance appraisals of medical staff play a key role in implementing clinical governance, which, in turn, is critical to containing health care costs and ensuring quality patient care. Effective appraisals depend on employees perceiving their own appraisals to be fair both in terms of procedure and interaction with their respective appraiser. We examine qualitative (...)
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  12.  53
    Effects of an auditory signal on visual reaction time.Ira H. Bernstein, Mark H. Clark & Barry A. Edelstein - 1969 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 80 (3p1):567.
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    Professional Identity Formation in Medical Education: The Convergence of Multiple Domains. [REVIEW]Mark Holden, Era Buck, Mark Clark, Karen Szauter & Julie Trumble - 2012 - HEC Forum 24 (4):245-255.
    There has been increasing emphasis on professionalism in medical education over the past several decades, initially focusing on bioethical principles, communication skills, and behaviors of medical students and practitioners. Authors have begun to discuss professional identity formation (PIF), distinguishing it as the foundational process one experiences during the transformation from lay person to physician. This integrative developmental process involves the establishment of core values, moral principles, and self-awareness. The literature has approached PIF from various paradigms—professionalism, psychological ego development, social interactions, (...)
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  14. Development of a Novel Methodology for Ascertaining Scientific Opinion and Extent of Agreement.Vickers Peter, Ludovica Adamo, Mark Alfano, Cory J. Clark, Eleonora Cresto, He Cui, Haixin Dang, Finnur Dellsén, Nathalie Dupin, Laura Gradowski, Simon Graf, Aline Guevara, Mark Hallap, Jesse Hamilton, Mariann Hardey, Paula Helm, Asheley Landrum, Neil Levy, Edouard Machery, Sarah Mills, Sean Muller, Joanne Sheppard, Shinod N. K., Matthew Slater, Jacob Stegenga, Henning Strandin, Mike Stuart, David Sweet, Ufuk Tasdan, Henry Taylor, Owen Towler, Dana Tulodziecki, Heidi Tworek, Rebecca Wallbank, Harald Wiltsche & Samantha Mitchell Finnigan - 2024 - PLoS ONE 19 (12):1-24.
    We take up the challenge of developing an international network with capacity to survey the world's scientists on an ongoing basis, providing rich datasets regarding the opinions of scientists and scientific sub-communities, both at a time and also over time. The novel methodology employed sees local coordinators, at each institution in the network, sending survey invitation emails internally to scientists at their home institution. The emails link to a ‘10 second survey’, where the participant is presented with a single statement (...)
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  15. Each year Cognition is obliged to request the help of a certain number of guest reviewers who assist in the assessment of manuscripts. Without their cooperation the journal would not be able to maintain its high standards. We are happy to be able to thank the following people for their help in refereeing manuscripts during 1991.Terry Kit-Fong Au, William Badecker, Irving Biderman, Manfred Bierwisch, Paul Bloom, Mark Bornstein, Brian Byrne, Ruth Byrne, Patricia Cheng & Herbert H. Clark - 1992 - Cognition 43:195.
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    A Platonic Theory of Moral Education: Cultivating Virtue in Contemporary Democratic Classrooms by Mark E. Jonas and Yoshiaki Nakazawa.Frederic Clarke Putnam - 2021 - Review of Metaphysics 75 (2):380-382.
  17. The Duty to Disclose Adverse Clinical Trial Results.S. Matthew Liao, Mark Sheehan & Steve Clarke - 2009 - American Journal of Bioethics 9 (8):24-32.
    Participants in some clinical trials are at risk of being harmed and sometimes are seriously harmed as a result of not being provided with available, relevant risk information. We argue that this situation is unacceptable and that there is a moral duty to disclose all adverse clinical trial results to participants in clinical trials. This duty is grounded in the human right not to be placed at risk of harm without informed consent. We consider objections to disclosure grounded in considerations (...)
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  18. Development of a novel methodology for ascertaining scientific opinion and extent of agreement.Peter Vickers, Ludovica Adamo, Mark Alfano, Cory J. Clark, Eleonora Cresto, He Cui, Haixin Dang, Finnur Dellsen, Nathalie Dupin, Laura Gradowski, Simon Graf, Aline Guevara, Mark Hallap, Jesse Hamilton, Mariann Hardey, Paula Helm, Asheley Landrum, Neil Levy, Edouard Machery, Sarah Mills, Sean Muller, Joanne Sheppard, Shinod N. K., Matthew Slater, Jacob Stegenga, Henning Strandin, Michael T. Stuart, David Sweet, Tasdan Ufuk, Henry Taylor, Towler Owen, Dana Tulodziecki, Heidi Tworek, Rebecca Wallbank, Harald Wiltsche & Samantha Mitchell Finnigan - 2024 - PLoS ONE 19 ((12)).
    We take up the challenge of developing an international network with capacity to survey the world’s scientists on an ongoing basis, providing rich datasets regarding the opinions of scientists and scientific sub-communities, both at a time and also over time. The novel methodology employed sees local coordinators, at each institution in the network, sending survey invitation emails internally to scientists at their home institution. The emails link to a ‘10 second survey’, where the participant is presented with a single statement (...)
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  19.  20
    Development of a novel methodology for ascertaining scientific opinion and extent of agreement.Peter Vickers, Ludovica Adamo, Mark Alfano, Cory Clark, Eleonora Cresto, He Cui, Haixin Dang, Finnur Dellsén, Nathalie Dupin, Laura Gradowski, Simon Graf, Aline Guevara, Mark Hallap, Jesse Hamilton, Mariann Hardey, Paula Helm, Asheley Landrum, Neil Levy, Edouard Machery, Sarah Mills, Seán Muller, Joanne Sheppard, Shinod N. K., Matthew Slater, Jacob Stegenga, Henning Strandin, Michael T. Stuart, David Sweet, Ufuk Tasdan, Henry Taylor, Owen Towler, Dana Tulodziecki, Heidi Tworek, Rebecca Wallbank, Harald Wiltsche & Samantha Mitchell Finnigan - unknown
    We take up the challenge of developing an international network with capacity to survey the world’s scientists on an ongoing basis, providing rich datasets regarding the opinions of scientists and scientific sub-communities, both at a time and also over time. The novel methodology employed sees local coordinators, at each institution in the network, sending survey invitation emails internally to scientists at their home institution. The emails link to a ‘10 second survey’, where the participant is presented with a single statement (...)
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  20.  45
    Disclosing Clinical Trial Results: Publicity, Significance and Independence.S. Matthew Liao, Mark Sheehan & Steve Clarke - 2009 - American Journal of Bioethics 9 (8):3-5.
    Participants in some clinical trials are at risk of being harmed and sometimes are seriously harmed as a result of not being provided with available, relevant risk information. We argue that this situation is unacceptable and that there is a moral duty to disclose all adverse clinical trial results to participants in clinical trials. This duty is grounded in the human right not to be placed at risk of harm without informed consent. We consider objections to disclosure grounded in considerations (...)
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  21.  27
    Mark Patton. Science, Politics, and Business in the Work of Sir John Lubbock: A Man of Universal Mind. x + 270 pp., figs., bibl., index. Burlington, Vt.: Ashgate, 2007. $100, £55. [REVIEW]J. Clark - 2008 - Isis 99 (3):639-640.
  22.  34
    Neural Response to Low Energy and High Energy Foods in Bulimia Nervosa and Binge Eating Disorder: A Functional MRI Study.Brooke Donnelly, Nasim Foroughi, Mark Williams, Stephen Touyz, Sloane Madden, Michael Kohn, Simon Clark, Perminder Sachdev, Anthony Peduto, Ian Caterson, Janice Russell & Phillipa Hay - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    ObjectiveBulimia nervosa and binge eating disorder are eating disorders characterized by recurrent binge eating episodes. Overlap exists between ED diagnostic groups, with BE episodes presenting one clinical feature that occurs transdiagnostically. Neuroimaging of the responses of those with BN and BED to disorder-specific stimuli, such as food, is not extensively investigated. Furthermore, to our knowledge, there have been no previous published studies examining the neural response of individuals currently experiencing binge eating, to low energy foods. Our objective was to examine (...)
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  23.  33
    Prosody in spontaneous humor: Evidence for encryption.Thomas Flamson, Gregory A. Bryant & H. Clark Barrett - 2011 - Pragmatics and Cognition 19 (2):248-267.
    The study of conversational humor has received relatively little empirical attention with almost no examinations of the role of vocal signals in spontaneous humor production. Here we report an analysis of spontaneous humorous speech in a rural Brazilian collective farm. The sample was collected over the course of ethnographic fieldwork in northeastern Brazil, and is drawn specifically from the monthly communal business meetings conducted in Portuguese. Our analyses focused on humorous utterances identified by the subsequent presence of laughter. Acoustic features (...)
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  24. Border Disputes: Recent Debates along the Perception–Cognition Border.Sam Clarke & Jacob Beck - 2023 - Philosophy Compass 18 (8):e12936.
    The distinction between perception and cognition frames countless debates in philosophy and cognitive science. But what, if anything, does this distinction actually amount to? In this introductory article, we summarize recent work on this question. We first briefly consider the possibility that a perception-cognition border should be eliminated from our scientific ontology, and then introduce and critically examine five positive approaches to marking a perception–cognition border, framed in terms of phenomenology, revisability, modularity, format, and stimulus-dependence.
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    Expecting some action: Predictive Processing and the construction of conscious experience.Kathryn Nave, George Deane, Mark Miller & Andy Clark - 2022 - Review of Philosophy and Psychology 13 (4):1019-1037.
    Predictive processing has begun to offer new insights into the nature of conscious experience—but the link is not straightforward. A wide variety of systems may be described as predictive machines, raising the question: what differentiates those for which it makes sense to talk about conscious experience? One possible answer lies in the involvement of a higher-order form of prediction error, termed expected free energy. In this paper we explore under what conditions the minimization of this new quantity might underpin conscious (...)
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  26. Coupling, constitution and the cognitive kind: A reply to Adams and Aizawa.Andy Clark - 2010 - In Richard Menary, The Extended Mind. Cambridge, MA, USA: MIT Press. pp. 81-99.
    Adams and Aizawa, in a series of recent and forthcoming papers,, ) seek to refute, or perhaps merely to terminally embarrass, the friends of the extended mind. One such paper begins with the following illustration: "Question: Why did the pencil think that 2+2=4? Clark's Answer: Because it was coupled to the mathematician" Adams and Aizawa ms p.1 "That" the authors continue "about sums up what is wrong with Clark's extended mind hypothesis". The example of the pencil, they suggest, (...)
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  27. Almeder, Robert, Human Happiness and Morality: A Brief Introduction to Ethics (Amherst: Prometheus Books, 2000), 211 pages. Audi, Robert, Epistemology: A Contemporary Introduction to the Theory of Knowledge (London: Routledge, 1998), 340 pages. [REVIEW]Robert Baird, Reagan Ramsower, Stuart E. Rosenbaum, Victoria Davion, Clark Wolf, John Martin Fischer, S. J. Mark Ravizza, Margaret Gilbert, Christopher W. Gowans & Jorge J. Gracia - 2000 - The Journal of Ethics 4:419-422.
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  28. Beyond the icon: Core cognition and the bounds of perception.Sam Clarke - 2020 - Mind and Language 37 (1):94-113.
    This paper refines a controversial proposal: that core systems belong to a perceptual kind, marked out by the format of its representational outputs. Following Susan Carey, this proposal has been understood in terms of core representations having an iconic format, like certain paradigmatically perceptual outputs. I argue that they don’t, but suggest that the proposal may be better formulated in terms of a broader analogue format type. Formulated in this way, the proposal accommodates the existence of genuine icons in perception, (...)
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  29. Number nativism.Sam Clarke - 2025 - Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 110 (1):226-252.
    Number Nativism is the view that humans innately represent precise natural numbers. Despite a long and venerable history, it is often considered hopelessly out of touch with the empirical record. I argue that this is a mistake. After clarifying Number Nativism and distancing it from related conjectures, I distinguish three arguments which have been seen to refute the view. I argue that, while popular, two of these arguments miss the mark, and fail to place pressure on Number Nativism. Meanwhile, (...)
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  30.  19
    Gendered Emotional Support and Women’s Well-Being in a Low-Income Urban African Setting.Yuko Hara, Shelley Clark & Sangeetha Madhavan - 2018 - Gender and Society 32 (6):837-859.
    In most contexts, emotional support is crucial for the well-being of low-income single women and their children. Support from women may be especially important for single mothers because of precarious ties to their children’s fathers, the prevalence of extended matrifocal living arrangements, and gendered norms that place men as providers of financial rather than emotional support. However, in contexts marked by economic insecurity, spatial dispersion of families, and changing gender norms and kinship obligations, such an expectation may be problematic. Applying (...)
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  31. Acts of Dissent: New Developments in the Study of Protest.Dieter Rucht, Ruud Koopmans, Friedhelm Niedhardt, Mark R. Beissinger, Louis J. Crishock, Grzegorz Ekiert, Olivier Fillieule, Pierre Gentile, Peter Hocke, Jan Kubik, John D. McCarthy, Clark McPhail, Johan L. Olivier, Susan Olzak, David Schweingruber, Jackie Smith & Sidney Tarrow - 1999 - Rowman & Littlefield Publishers.
    Although living conditions have improved throughout history, protest, at least in the last few decades, seems to have increased to the point of becoming a normal phenomenon in modern societies. Contributors to this volume examine how and why this is the case and argue that although problems such as poverty, hunger, and violations of democratic rights may have been reduced in advanced Western societies, a variety of other problems and opportunities have emerged and multiplied the reasons and possibilities for protest.
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    The Original Ending of Mark: A New Case for the Authenticity of Mark 16:9‐20. By Nicholas P. Lunn, Pp. xii, 378, Cambridge, James Clarke, 2015, $45.00. [REVIEW]Nicholas King - 2017 - Heythrop Journal 58 (2):318-318.
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  33. (1 other version)Word, niche and super-niche: How language makes minds matter more.Andy Clark - 2005 - Theoria 20 (54):255-268.
    How does language (spoken or written) impact thought? One useful way to approach this important but elusive question may be to consider language itself as a cognition-enhancing animal-built structure. To take this perspective is to view language as a kind of self-constructed cognitive niche. These self-constructed cognitive niches play, I suggest, three distinct but deeply interlocking roles in human thought and reason. Working together, these three interlocking routines radically transform the human mind, and mark a genuine discontinuity in the (...)
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  34.  17
    The Sight of Death.Mark Hannam - manuscript
    A review of T J Clark's "The Sight of Death", published by Yale University Press in 2006.
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    Russell's Leviathan.Mark S. Lippincott - 1990 - Russell: The Journal of Bertrand Russell Studies 10 (1):6-29.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Russell's leviathan by Mark S. Lippincott 1. INTRODUCTION BERTRAND RUSSELL'S POLITICAL thought underwent several metamorphoses in his nearly seventy years of political activism and writing. Indeed, many commentators on Russell take this as the overarching attribute ofhis politics. Alan Ryan writes that "Russell's career defies summary analysis; his life was much too long and his activities too various. His philosophical allegiances were no more stable than his emotional (...)
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  36. Coupling, constitution and the cognitive kind.Andy Clark - 2010 - In Richard Menary, The Extended Mind. Cambridge, MA, USA: MIT Press.
    Adams and Aizawa, in a series of recent and forthcoming papers ((2001), (In Press), (This Volume)) seek to refute, or perhaps merely to terminally embarrass, the friends of the extended mind. One such paper begins with the following illustration: "Question: Why did the pencil think that 2+2=4? Clark's Answer: Because it was coupled to the mathematician" Adams and Aizawa (this volume) ms p.1 "That" the authors continue "about sums up what is wrong with Clark's extended mind hypothesis". The (...)
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    Cheerful philosophy for thoughtful invalids.William Horatio Clarke - 1896 - Reading, Mass.,: E. T. Clarke & company.
    This work has been selected by scholars as being culturally important, and is part of the knowledge base of civilization as we know it. This work was reproduced from the original artifact, and remains as true to the original work as possible. Therefore, you will see the original copyright references, library stamps (as most of these works have been housed in our most important libraries around the world), and other notations in the work. This work is in the public domain (...)
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    The hierarchies of knowledge and the mathematics of discovery.Clark Glymour - 1991 - Minds and Machines 1 (1):75-95.
    Rather than attempting to characterize a relation of confirmation between evidence and theory, epistemology might better consider which methods of forming conjectures from evidence, or of altering beliefs in the light of evidence, are most reliable for getting to the truth. A logical framework for such a study was constructed in the early 1960s by E. Mark Gold and Hilary Putnam. This essay describes some of the results that have been obtained in that framework and their significance for philosophy (...)
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  39. Re-inventing ourselves: The plasticity of embodiment, sensing, and mind.Andy Clark - 2006 - Journal of Medicine and Philosophy 32 (3):263 – 282.
    Recent advances in cognitive science and cognitive neuroscience open up new vistas for human enhancement. Central to much of this work is the idea of new human-machine interfaces (in general) and new brain-machine interfaces (in particular). But despite the increasing prominence of such ideas, the very idea of such an interface remains surprisingly under-explored. In particular, the notion of human enhancement suggests an image of the embodied and reasoning agent as literally extended or augmented, rather than the more conservative image (...)
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    Neo‐Kantianism.Evan Clarke - 2019 - In John Shand, A Companion to Nineteenth Century Philosophy (Blackwell Companions to Philosophy). Hoboken: Wiley-Blackwell. pp. 389–417.
    This chapter presents an overview of the Neo‐Kantian movement in philosophy that spanned the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries and that was concentrated geographically in Germany. Following a summary of the institutional and intellectual context surrounding Neo‐Kantianism, the chapter explores the core philosophical principles associated with the movement, attending in particular to the ways in which Neo‐ Kantian philosophers appropriate and depart from the core tenets of Kant's critical philosophy. After briefly surveying the context in which Neo‐Kantianism took shape, (...)
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  41. Kant's argument for the autonomy of biology.Clark Zumbach - 1981 - Nature and System 3:67 - 79.
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  42. The contingency cosmological argument.Mark T. Nelson - 2011 - In Michael Bruce & Steven Barbone, Just the Arguments: 100 of the Most Important Arguments in Western Philosophy. Malden, MA: Wiley-Blackwell.
    I present and explain a brief version of the "contingency" cosmological argument earlier developed by Samuel Clarke and then updated by William Rowe.
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  43. What Does It Mean to Claim that Something Is 'Innate'? Response to Clark, Harris, Lightfoot and Samuels.Annette Karmiloff-Smith, Kim Plunkett, Mark H. Johnson, Jeff L. Elman & Elizabeth A. Bates - 1998 - Mind and Language 13 (4):588-597.
  44. The Tanner Lectures on Human Values: Volume 31.Mark Matheson (ed.) - 2012 - University of Utah Press.
    The Tanner Lectures on Human Values, founded July 1, 1978, at Clare Hall, Cambridge University, was established by the American scholar, industrialist, and philanthropist Obert Clark Tanner. Lectureships are awarded to outstanding scholars or leaders in broadly defined fields of human values and transcend ethnic, national, religious, or ideological distinctions. Volume 31 features lectures given during the academic year 2010–2011 at Yale University, The University of Utah, The University of Michigan, Stanford University, Princeton University, and Harvard University. _Contributors: __Rebecca (...)
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  45. Omissions, Responsibility, and Symmetry.Randolph Clarke - 2011 - Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 82 (3):594-624.
    It is widely held that one can be responsible for doing something that one was unable to avoid doing. This paper focuses primarily on the question of whether one can be responsible for not doing something that one was unable to do. The paper begins with an examination of the account of responsibility for omissions offered by John Martin Fischer and Mark Ravizza, arguing that in many cases it yields mistaken verdicts. An alternative account is sketched that jibes with (...)
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  46. Huemer’s Clarkeanism.Mark Schroeder - 2008 - Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 78 (1):197-204.
    mark schroeder University of Southern California 1 When Samuel Clarke gave his second Boyle lectures in 1705, he alleged in favor of his nonreductive, rationalist, intuitionist view that only ‘the extremest stupidity of mind, corruption of manners, or perverseness of spirit, can possibly make any man entertain the least doubt’ concerning it.1 Michael Huemer’s Ethical Intuitionism is offered in the same spirit, though he makes no assurances concerning the Truth and Certainty of the Christian Revelation.2 Not only are competing (...)
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    Huckleberry Finn’s Conscience: Reckoning with the Evasion.Steve Clarke - 2020 - The Journal of Ethics 24 (4):485-508.
    Huck Finn’s struggles with his conscience, as depicted in Mark Twain’s famous novelThe Adventures of Huckleberry Finn(AHF) (1884), have been much discussed by philosophers; and various philosophical lessons have been extracted from Twain’s depiction of those struggles. Two of these philosophers stand out, in terms of influence: Jonathan Bennett and Nomy Arpaly. Here I argue that the lessons that Bennett and Arpaly draw are not supported by a careful reading of AHF. This becomes particularly apparent when we consider the (...)
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  48. Extended Cognition and Functionalism.Mark Sprevak - 2009 - Journal of Philosophy 106 (9):503-527.
    Andy Clark and David Chalmers claim that cognitive processes can and do extend outside the head.1 Call this the “hypothesis of extended cognition” (HEC). HEC has been strongly criticised by Fred Adams, Ken Aizawa and Robert Rupert.2 In this paper I argue for two claims. First, HEC is a harder target than Rupert, Adams and Aizawa have supposed. A widely-held view about the nature of the mind, functionalism—a view to which Rupert, Adams and Aizawa appear to subscribe— entails HEC. (...)
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    Philosophical Essays: In Honor of Edgar Arthur Singer, Jr.Francis Palmer Clarke & Milton Charles Nahm (eds.) - 1942 - London,: University of Pennsylvania Press.
    This book is a volume in the Penn Press Anniversary Collection. To mark its 125th anniversary in 2015, the University of Pennsylvania Press rereleased more than 1,100 titles from Penn Press's distinguished backlist from 1899-1999 that had fallen out of print. Spanning an entire century, the Anniversary Collection offers peer-reviewed scholarship in a wide range of subject areas.
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  50. Clinical medical ethics: a review of the first decade. [REVIEW]Mark Siegler & Response by Maura Ryan - 2007 - In Margaret Monahan Hogan & David Solomon, Medical ethics at Notre Dame: The J. Philip Clarke Family lectures, 1988-1999. [South Bend, Ind.?]: The Notre Dame Center for Ethics and Culture.
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